Senior Boxer DogSenior Mixed Breed DogSenior Retriever Mix DogSenior Golden Retriever DogSenior Lab Mix DogSenior Weimeraner DogSenior White Mixed Breed Dog Senior Labrador Mix DogSenior Great Dane DogSenior Mixed Breed DogSenior Black Lab DogSenior Golden Retriever DogSenior Boxer DogSenior Mixed Breed DogSenior Retriever Mix DogSenior Golden Retriever DogSenior Lab Mix DogSenior Weimeraner DogSenior White Mixed Breed Dog Senior Labrador Mix DogSenior Great Dane DogSenior Mixed Breed DogSenior Black Lab DogSenior Golden Retriever Dog

21st Century Guide to Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs/GOLPP

Laryngeal Paralysis/GOLPP News & Notes

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Share Your Dog‘s Stent Story with the World

Your Dog‘s Story is a Tail (sic) Worth Telling

We‘re convinced that the number of canine laryngeal paralysis cases worldwide is underestimated. Not by just a few, but by tens or hundreds of thousands. Project that onto all the humans — the elderly, the parents, the kids, the average people who look to their animals for companionship and emotional support — and we‘re talking about millions of souls who suffer because of this disease. This website is only the first glimpse of a long-term vision to combat the anguish this disease carries in its wake. But for the site to have any impact, people first have to be able to find it.

About a month ago we got an e-mail from Google informing us that due to issues with the website they are removing us temporarily from Google search results. We checked analytics and confirmed that there had been a malicious bot attack several days earlier. Right now, is a simple HTML website with no user data and nothing to steal, so visitors aren‘t at any risk, but the attack did uncover some security and structural issues that need to be addressed before moving forward with the next phase. These have been resolved, and now we‘re waiting for Google to reassess, which could take some time.

Google was right to take action and we‘re thankful they did. We built the site on 21st century React-based technology, not legacy bloatware like WordPress, and we were in a hurry to get it up and crawled. We just didn‘t spend enough time on the nuts and bolts of the back-end. We should have gone back after launch and tidied up, but then the Crossroads Blues Experience came up and Lar Par? Life! got back-burnered. In DuckDuckGo and Bing we‘re still at the top of the results, but as far as Google searches are concerned we‘re incommunicado for a while. But there‘s a silver lining here and we‘re going to take advantage of it.

Since Miss B got her stent back in September 2022, hundreds of dogs in the US and EU have received stent implants for laryngeal paralysis. We‘re going to gather their stories and give them some well-deserved face time, not just on Facebook Groups where content scrolls off the page into oblivion almost immediately, but on the wider Internet, where information about the stent treatment for laryngeal paralysis is scarce and your story can actually reach people. These stories will have more impact than all the currently accessible research studies and veterinary-technical blah-blah-blah combined. You can read about Miss B‘s incredible stent journey here. If you have a Lar Par dog you love whose story you‘d like to share, contact us for a video chat and we‘ll share your story on Then, when Google restores our visibility, your story will be seen and your dog will make a difference – not just in your life but in the lives of untold Lar Par sufferers down the road.