Use Cases For
Laryngeal Stents in Dogs
Information for Veterinarians
Historically, laryngeal paralysis has received little attention in the animal community due to its large-dog breed specificity. But LP awareness has skyrocketed in recent years as more dog owners seek information on social media. There are currently no fewer than four Facebook groups devoted to canine laryngeal paralysis. As a result, dogs are increasingly presenting with acute respiratory distress in emergency situations as dog owners try and often fail to manage LP symptoms with behavior modification and off-label medications.
Traditional Medical Management vs. Stenting dm@
A laryngeal paralysis-induced respiratory crisis is a life-threatening emergency that requires coordinated action of an entire veterinary staff.
How can stenting help with staff-intensive LP-induced veterinary emergencies?
Stenting to Facilitate Surgery
Qualified surgeons specializing in LP techniques often are scheduled far in advance, leaving dog owners to fear a fatal breathing crisis before the surgery date.
How can primary veterinarians use stent implants to help facilitate surgery?
Stenting as Surgery Alternative
While LP surgery remains the treatment of choice for younger dogs with congenital or idiopathic laryngeal paralysis, for senior dogs, dogs with comorbidities, or dog owners of limited financial means the stent option is an attractive alternative.
Does stenting have any advantages over surgery for laryngeal paralysis in dogs?
Established veterinary stenting procedures already exist for conditions such as tracheal collapse and ureteral obstruction. Stenting for laryngeal paralysis is the inevitable next step.